PKKM PTI Activity 3 grant
Referring, competency is the workability of each individual which includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and work attitudes that are by the expected standardization (National Agency for Professional Certification, 2014). Competency can also be interpreted as an individual character that can be measured and determined to demonstrate certain behaviors and work performance in a person (Spencer, McClelland & Spencer, 1994). So, competency is a guide for companies to demonstrate appropriate work functions for an employee. Competence is also required for lecturers, students, and employees at a university or educational institution. The development of information technology requires skilled workers to be able to compete with domestic and foreign workers. Competition for work will be even more difficult if we do not have abilities that are recognized globally by the industrial world. International Certification is a certification that applies internationally and is generally issued by international institutions or product owner principals related to expertise certification in that field.
Undiksha, in this case, the Engineering and Vocational Faculty through the Independent Campus Competition Program Grant Implementation Team (PKKM) conducted an assessment with the International Competency Certification Institute, ITC. ITC is an International Test Center that provides services in the form of accurate and reliable international learning certification and training for the community. One of ITC’s partners is Certiport. Certiport Authorized Testing Center (CATC) is the place where the IT certification program from Certiport is implemented which has been verified by ITC. CATC not only holds certification exams for test takers from their institutions but also for general participants. The competency certification schemes offered are Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Communication Skills for Business, EC-Council (Cybersecurity), Entrepreneurship and Small Business, IC3 Digital Literacy Information Technology Specialist, Intuit, Microsoft Project Management Institute (PMI), Unity, Credentials, and others.
The result of this assessment is the preparation and agreement of an MoU and MoA as the first step in cooperation. The scheme that will be held at Undiksha, will most likely be the IC3 Digital Literacy scheme considering that this competency is needed by Lecturers, Students, and Staff in the Undiksha Academic Community in the current Digital Era.