(19/8/2019) The Student Executive Board of the Technical and Vocational Faculty (FTK) Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) opened the Faculty Activity Orientation (OKF) and Introduction Day (ID) with the theme “Young Light Collaboration to Build a Solid FTK” activities created BEM FTK is a series of OKK activities that are already underway, the activities carried out in the field in the middle of FTK invite the Dean of FTK (Dr. I Gede Sudirtha, M.Pd), Lecturers and Staff within the FTK environment.
Starting from the committee chairman’s report and continuing with remarks from the FTK dean, the OKK series of activities is a student process and an introduction to the FTK environment for new students so that they will be able to adapt to the environment. With the theme chosen by the Dean of FTK, he hopes that Cahaya Muda can make FTK more advanced and able to raise the name of FTK Undiksha in both national and international events so that we can prove that FTK can be a superior faculty and can compete with other faculties. At the end of the event, the event continued with the beating of the gong by the FTK dean and the release of balloons together with the new students for the 2019/2020 Academic Year.