Singaraja, (17/2) Undiksha’s Engineering and Vocational Faculty held a Judiciary for the period of February 2023, this activity was carried out virtually and was attended by the Dean, Dean, Head of Department, Head of Laboratory, Study Program Coordinator, and Judicial Committee. This activity is carried out routinely every month, in February 2023 releasing 66 Eksamenandi/Eksamenandus.
The activity began with the reading of the Judicial Decree for February 2023 by the Deputy Dean I FTK (Prof.Dr. Ketut Agustini, S.Si., M.Si.) by releasing 66 Examenandi/Examenandus, 38 people from the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program, 8 people from the Informatics Engineering Study Program Information Systems, 4 people from the Computer Science Study Program, 7 people from the Family Welfare Education Study Program, 7 people from the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program and 2 people from the Electronics Engineering Study Program.
The activity continued with betel lime from the Dean of FTK Undiksha (Prof.Dr. I Gede Sudirtha, S.Pd., M.Pd.), expressing his gratitude for carrying out this activity, Prof.Dr. I Gede Sudirtha also conveyed to students that this is the beginning of their journey so in the future, they must always be able to improve the knowledge gained at FTK so that it can be useful for the wider community. The Dean also expressed his gratitude for being able to complete your assignments as a student. Next, the activity closed with a group photo session.