Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is increasing the implementation of online learning. This received support from the Technical and Vocational Faculty (FTK). To strengthen information technology-based learning, a workshop was held at the Banyualit Hotel, Lovina Singaraja, on Tuesday (19/11/2019).
This activity involved all 62 FTK lecturers. Dean of FTK, Dr. I Gede Sudirtha, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that the application of learning can be carried out optimally in this 17-year-old faculty because its human resources are very attached to technology. “What is being done is not intended to replace the face-to-face learning that has been running,” he said.
He emphasized that this breakthrough continues to lead to improving the quality of learning to prepare students as a digital native generation to have the competencies needed in the future. It is acknowledged that if learning is ongoing, of course, it still needs to be evaluated until it finally meets the demands of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation Number 51 of 2018. In this regulation, there are three online learning modules that can be carried out, namely single module, double mode, and consortium mode which can be followed individually. wider than some universities.
This workshop presented speakers, Dr. Gde Wawan Sudatha, S.Pd., S.T., M.Pd., who is the Head of the Undiksha Online Learning Center. This academic in the Educational Technology Study Program stated that creating online learning can be done through synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences in direct settings, virtual settings, independent settings, and collaborative settings. As a guarantee of the quality of online learning, it is further explained that e-learning is carried out using the PEDATI flow (learn, explore, apply, evaluate).
Chair of the Undiksha Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPPM), Prof. Dr.AAIN Marhaeni, M.A., who was also a resource person, explained that learning innovation was very necessary. Implementing systems in networks is one of them. This is one strategy to speed up access to information, especially in the 21st-century learning era which demands critical, creative, collaborative, and communicative attitudes. “Of course, this learning is a form of preparation to face the future,” he concluded(rls)