The Senate of FTK UNDIKSHA consists of 19 people from faculty leadership elements (Dean, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean II, Deputy Dean III), Head of Department, Head of Study Programme, and Deputy Lecturers from each Department. The Senate is the board of consideration and supervision within the faculty, providing consideration and supervision to the Dean in academic implementation within the faculty.
The leadership consists of the Dean and three Deputy Deans. The Dean has to lead the implementation of education, research, community service, and faculty administration and foster academic staff, students, and administrative staff. The Dean is responsible to the Rector, and in conducting the activities, the Dean is assisted by three Deputy Deans (WD), namely:
- Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs has the duty of assisting the Dean in leading the implementation of education, research, and community service;
- Deputy Dean II for Affairs and Finance Affairs has the duty of assisting the Dean in leading the implementation of activities of planning, finance, general affairs, cooperation, information systems; and
- Deputy Dean III for Student and Alumni Affairs has the duty of assisting the Dean in leading the implementation of student and alumni activities.
Academic executives consist of departments and functional groups of lecturers. The department is in charge of conducting education and teaching, research, and community service according to the sciences relevant to the department. The Functional Position Group for Educators (Lecturers) is a group of professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, technology, and art through education, research, and community service responsible to the Dean through the Head of the Department. The lecturer conducts education and teaching, research, and community service, following knowledge and guiding students in the learning process.
The Head of Administration leads the Administrative office. Administrative conducting academic and student administration services, planning, finance, staffing, management, administration, housekeeping, managing state property, and reporting within the faculty. The Head of Administration is assisted by three Heads of Subdivisions, namely:
- Head of the Academic Subdivision, who is in charge of conducting administrative services for education, research, and community service;
- Head of the General and Finance Subdivision, who is in charge of handling administrative services for planning, finance, staffing, management, administration, housekeeping, state property management, data and information management, as well as evaluation and reporting within the faculty; and
- Head of Student and Alumni Subdivision, who is in charge of handling student and alumni administration services.
The academic support of the faculty consists of various facilities and infrastructure.