Vision :

Becoming a leading study programme in Electrical Engineering Education field based on Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Indonesia by 2025


  1. To conduct dignified teaching and education in the Electrical Engineering Education field to produce competitive, collaborative, and characterized human resources;
  2. To conduct competitive, collaborative, and innovative research in the Electrical Engineering Education field for the development and application of sciences and technology.;
  3. To conduct community service in the Electrical Engineering Education field that is competitive, collaborative, accommodative, and innovative to improve the community's welfare.;


  1. To produce quality graduates, believe and be pious, professionals, and have integrity, values ​​and attitudes, knowledge, intelligence, skills, and abilities in the Electrical Engineering field
  2. To produce academic studies in the Electrical Engineering field that are environmentally friendly based on local potential.
  3. To produce educators, researchers, and experts in the Electrical Engineering field for society's advancement and welfare.
  4. To create good cooperation and partnerships with government agencies, the business world, or other institutions to improve the quality of graduates.

Graduate Profile

  1. Educator
    Educators understand the principles and methods of learning and their implications in the learning process, develop educational professionalism, evaluation concepts, and media, and are skilled at using them in the education/learning process in the Electrical Engineering Education field.
  2. Researcher
    Researchers understand research procedures or methodologies, formulate research processes, variables, and research paradigms, determine population and sample size according to the paradigm or type of research conducted, data analysis methods or techniques, formulate educational research proposals, following existing educational problems, especially in the field of Electrical Engineering Education.
  3. Experts
    Experts can master science and technology in the Electrical Engineering Education field, and they can apply it professionally in daily life. The expert also can follow the needs of society and national development, describe technical concepts, develop and adapt themselves actively with various changes that arise. Be able to solve various problems, think critically, creatively, innovatively, dynamically, be independent and openly, and highly dedicated, and cooperate with other parties for self-development in the Electrical Engineering Education field.
  4. Electrical Technician/Analyst
    Technicians master the theoretical concepts and applications of electricity and electronics used in electricity, refrigeration, electronics engineering, and photography.
  5. Electrical Entrepreneur
    Entrepreneurs can develop entrepreneurship in electricity, refrigeration, electronics engineering, and photography.

For more information about Electrical Engineering Education Study Programme