
Becoming a Leading Family Welfare Education Study Programme in culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia by 2045


  1. To conduct education and teaching to produce highly competitive graduates in superior culinary education, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.
  2. To conduct research and development of science to produce scientific works to become references in superior culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.
  3. To conduct community service through research results and apply science and technology in the superior culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.


  1. To produce quality graduates, believe and be pious, professionals, and have integrity, values ​​and attitudes, knowledge, intelligence, skills, and abilities in culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields.
  2. To produce academic studies in culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields that are environmentally friendly based on local potential.
  3. To produce educators, researchers, and experts in the culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields for society's advancement and welfare.
  4. To create good cooperation and partnerships with government agencies, the business world, or other institutions to improve the quality of graduates.

Graduate Profile

  1. Educator in culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality
    Professional educators have high pedagogic and scientific abilities in the Family Welfare Education field and can learn creatively, inspiring, innovative, motivating, challenging, and fun.
  2. Educational Researcher Learning in the family welfare education field
    Researchers in education and learning in the family welfare education field can conduct entry-level research by using scientific logic to provide alternative solutions to problems.
  3. Experts in catering, fashion, beauty, and hospitality fields
    Professional experts in the family welfare education field (culinary, fashion, beauty, and hospitality.

For more information about Family Welfare Education Study Programme