
To be a Leading Superior Study Programme Based on the Tri Hita Karana (Three Causes to Prosperity) Philosophy in Asia by 2045


  1. Organizing education to produce graduates of Informatics Education who are professional and superior (competitive, collaborative, and characterized) based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.
  2. Researching the development of Informatics Education science and the field of informatics science to support the achievement of graduate competencies, the achievement of the vision of study programmes, faculties, universities, and national education goals.
  3. Carrying out community service in the context of implementing, socializing, and disseminating information technology education and informatics science by the development of society, science, art, and technology, as well as establishing partnerships with other institutions both domestically and abroad.


  1. Produce graduates who have pedagogical, professional, social, and personal competencies as subject teachers in informatics science based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy so that graduates can carry out their duties professionally.
  2. Produce graduates who mastered informatics science in contributing to the achievement of national education goals, national development, and community development.
  3. Produce innovative research, implement the theory, and develop products in testing theory in education and learning in informatics engineering and informatics science.
  4. Dissemination of innovative research results to the community in community service activities and collaboration with domestic and foreign agencies.

Graduates Profile

  1. The Prospective Computer and Informatics Engineering Educator 
    As Prospective educators (teachers/teachers/instructors/trainers) who have superior competence in the fields of education, informatics science, and information technology education (competitive, collaborative, characterized) based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.

For More Information about Informatics Education Study Programme