
Becoming a study programme that excels in developing science, technology, and art in the Vocational Culinary Arts field based on Tri Hita Karana Philosophy


  1. To conduct teaching and education to produce quality human resources in Vocational Culinary Arts Education
  2. To conduct research for the development and application of science, technology, and/or art in the Vocational Culinary Arts Education field
  3. To conduct community service as a form of application of science, technology, and/or art to improve community welfare
  4. o conduct mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships based on the UNDIKSHA MOU with other universities, related agencies, the business world, and industry in the Vocational Culinary Arts Education field


  1. To produce quality graduates, believe and be pious, professionals, and have the knowledge, intelligence, and skills of the Vocational Culinary Arts Education field.
  2. To produce academic studies in Vocational Culinary Arts Education that are environmentally friendly based on local potential.
  3. To produce educators, researchers, and experts in Vocational Culinary Arts Education for the society’s advancement and welfare.
  4. To create good cooperation and partnerships with government agencies, the business world, and other institutions to improve the quality of graduates.

Graduate Profile

  1. Educator
    Professional educators have high pedagogic and scientific skills in the Vocational Culinary Arts Education and can manage to learn creatively, inspiring, innovative, motivating, challenging, and fun.
  2. Researcher in Education and Learning
    Researcher in the Vocational Culinary Arts Education and Learning who can conduct beginner-level research using scientific logic of thinking to provide alternative problem solving
  3. Culinary Arts Expert
    Mastering basic theoretical concepts in the Vocational Culinary Arts Education, able to formulate procedural problem-solving in the field of culinary arts, able to communicate orally and in writing, and able to build productive interpersonal relationships

For more information about Vocational Culinary Arts Education Study Programme